Mladen Žujović comes from the old Serbian Žujović family from the vicinity of Sjenica which is descended from the leaders of the First Serbian Uprising and which gave eminent state councilors, scientists and politicians to its people. He held a doctoral degree in law, he was a Belgrade attorney-at-law and a Lieutenant Colonel in the Royal Yugoslav Army, a participant in the First and Second World Wars and a participant in or a witness of numerous turning points in history. He joined the Ravna Gora Movement of General Mihailović during the first days of his resistance to the occupier and remained loyal to him to the end of his life. In his regular and continuous contacts with Draža, Žujović was the sole and most accurate source of information on the complex and, for us tragic, about-turns in world politics. Mladen Žujović’s war diary and the documents from his legacy, published in five volumes in 2004, represent an exceptional document about events in Serbia and Yugoslavia in the first half of the 20th century.

Mladen Žujović