Mladen J. Žujović,
Cairo, 1944.
Although a member of the Yugoslav Democratic Republican Party, Mladen Žujović took no conspicuous part in the political life of the country until the founding of the Serbian Culture Club /SCC/ in 1937. From then on up to the war he published articles in the SCC paper “Srpski glas” /The Serbian Voice/, held lectures in Belgrade and in the country and collaborated in the “Politics and Society” Cooperative. In April 1941 he was mobilized as a reserve infantry lieutenant and seconded to the Staff of General Miodrag Damnjanović. After the capitulation of Yugoslavia he hid in the forests of Šumadija until July 1941when the joined the resistance movement of Dragoljub-Draža Mihailović.
He was a member of the Supreme Staff of the Movement from July 1941 and in the capacity of a member of the military also a member of the Central National Committee, the supreme political organ of the Movement, which he initiated and one of whose founders he is. From December 1943 he was one of the three members (besides Dragiša Vasić and Dr. Stevan Moljević) of the Executive Committee of the CNC with its seat attached to the Supreme Command. From May 1943, he was Mihailović’s representative in Dalmatia and the commander of the Chetnik military forces in the western regions of Yugoslavia (Western Bosnia, Lika and Dalmatia) and, as of October 1943, Mihailović’s delegate and CNC representative to the Royal Yugoslav Government and Military Command in Cairo, where he sought to mitigate the consequences of the pro-communist actions of the British Government vis-à-vis Yugoslavia.
Following the Tito-Šubašić agreement and after the King abandoned Mihailović, his sojourn in Cairo became uncertain. Thanks to a secret direct radio-telegraph line with Mihailović he was ordered to go to France and organize the Yugoslav prisoners of war liberated by the allies into military units. He reached Paris on 25 November 1944 on the plane of French General Testard.